Trentino’s nativity scenes

As part of the Mercatino dei Popoli (Christmas Market of the Peoples), in the courtyard of the civic library of Rovereto, exhibition of handcrafted nativity scenes by Trentino’s artists and craftsmen.

exhibition , Art exhibition - suitable for adults , children

In spite of the deep social and cultural changes of the recent times, the nativity scene tradition is still alive and appreciated.

In Trentino, the most typical and representative nativity scenes are made of wood by skilled artists and craftsmen, who tell and interpret the extraordinary event of Jesus' birth in their own personal way.

Works by Tiziano Pulcini (artists of the Pinè plateau and Association Amici del presepio Felix Deflorian of Tesero.


Free admissioon

organization: "G. Tartarotti" civic library of Rovereto