The Nutcracker - Egribiancodanza


Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker is a journey of growth, choices and detachment from the world of childhood. The anxieties of young Clara are the anxieties of children coming into adult life, detaching themselves from their fantasy world, from the protection of their own fetishes.

In questa versione curata da Raphael Bianco, liberamente ispirata all’omonimo balletto, La Fata Confetto sarà il personaggio guida che conduce Clara e gli spettatori fra dolci e doni misteriosi, in una progressiva maturazione attraverso la scelta di sorprese non sempre felici ma utili, e dove i topi rappresentano l’anima nera, i fantasmi e le inquietudini di una giovane fanciulla ignara ancora di sé.

In this version curated by Raphael Bianco, freely based on the ballet of the same name, The Sugarplum Fairy will be the guiding character who leads Clara and the spectators among sweets and mysterious gifts, to a progressive maturation. Along this process, a series of surprises happen, not always happy, but useful. The mice represent the black soul, ghosts and anxieties of a young girl who is still unaware of herself.


choreography Raphael Bianco
Choreography assistant Elena Rolla
Maitre de Ballet Vincenzo Galano
Music P.I. Ciaikovskij
Production Fondazione Egri per la Danza

with the support by the Italian Ministry for Culture, Piemonte Region, CRT Foundation, CRC Foundation, City of Turin


Full price ticket € 6; reduced price ticket € 5,50; € 5 Amici dei Teatri membership card

Tickets - info: – tel. no. 0461 511332 (Tue-Fri 17-20 and Sat 10-12.30)