“Ancient peoples of the Alps"

The Raeti, a dynamic population, open to influences from the neighbouring cultural areas.

Bressanone Loc. Rosslauf: abitato. Panoramica della “Casa delle botti e delle ruote” in corso di scavo. (da Tecchiati, Rizzi, p. 74, fig. 2).
[ Antichi popoli delle Alpi. Sviluppi culturali durante l’età del Ferro nei territori alpini centro-orientaliè curato da Rosa Roncador e Franco Nicolis, ed è edito dall'Ufficio beni archeologici della Soprintendenza per i beni culturali della Provincia autonoma di Trento con il patrocinio di Bibracte - Centre archéologique européen du Mont Beuvray. ]

Since ancient times, Trentino has been an important area of contact between the Italic world and Central Europe and has played this role in an active way - as witnessed by the originality of the solutions implemented not only in the way of building, but also in the conception of the divine and of the otherworldly.
According to recent studies, in the second half of the Iron Age (second half of the first millennium BC), a complex cultural framework featured local specificities enriched with "foreign" elements; the latter were most probably people from other areas, or it could be the result of peoples’ sharing diversified empirical knowledge and religious views.

This is certainly one of the central ideas of Antichi popoli delle Alpi. Sviluppi culturali durante l’età del Ferro nei territori alpini centro-orientali (i.e. Ancient peoples of the Alps. Cultural developments during the Iron Age in the central-eastern alpine areas), a book containing the contributions of several scholars, which also increases the knowledge about the Iron Age, thanks to the results of the latest research in the central-eastern alpine areas.

Ancient peoples of the Alps. Cultural developments during the Iron Age in the central-eastern alpine areas is edited by Rosa Roncador and Franco Nicolis, and is published by the Archaeology Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento, with the endorsement of Bibracte - Centre archéologique européen du Mont Beuvray. This book collects all the contributions presented at the international study day held in Sanzeno on 1 May 2010.

Rosa Roncador - Book's editor
