De Gasperi's Birthplace Museum

The birthplace of De Gasperi, a treasure trove of history which also looks towards the future

[ Museo Casa De Gasperi]

The extraordinary life of the Trentino statesman is a precious legacy for new generations. Handing down this inheritance is the challenge taken on since 2007 by the Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi, which manages the Museo Casa De Gasperi, created in the house in which the statesman was born. The museum is situated in Pieve Tesino, a small village set in the greenery of the magnificent alpine tableland. It was here that De Gasperi’s story began and today the house offers an itinerary with displays on four floors, allowing the visitor to discover at first hand the greatness of the human, political and spiritual message left by one of the most important figures in the 20th century.
The life of De Gasperi: shedding light onto the history of the 20th century
Through the human and political story of De Gasperi, the museum offers the visitor a journey through time and space, using sounds and images, with period items and documentation and modern interactive multimedia stations. From the places dear to De Gasperi in Trentino, the museum explores the historic background in the 20th century, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Italian Republic, passing through profound dramas and great hopes. The itinerary highlights the stages in an individual journey that merged with the epic collective history of a whole era, up to the prospects of a united Europe.
The network of houses of the Founding Fathers of Europe: a concrete sign recalling the ideal of friendship between peoples.
European union was the great dream animating the last years of De Gasperi’s life, shared with other major political figures of his time. In their eyes the tragedy of two World Wars was still very vivid, but in their minds the idea of giving Europe a future
of peace and freedom by cultivating the union of peoples over and beyond national barriers was taking shape. A symbol and commemoration of this journey is represented by the network of museums of the Founding Fathers of Europe, a circuit which includes the dwellings of Konrad Adenauer in Germany, and Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman in France, in addition to the Museo Casa De Gasperi.

This museum is part of the Rete Trentino Grande Guerra  (Trentino Great War Network), which promotes collaboration between those who cultivate a passion for history and for the memory of those events. 


visitable: yes | suitable for: adults - families - scholars - schools | disabled access

opening times


organized by Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi (Alcide De Gasperi Trentino' s Foundation)

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