Thun family’s collection of carriages in a wing


From 19 June, Castel Thun is hosting a new exhibition dedicated to the Thun family’s collection of carriages in a wing created in the fully-restored Cantinone grand hall. 

The collection consists of eleven carriages and four sleighs, meticulously restored by the Superintendency for the Historical and Artistic Heritage in 2002 and 2003.  It brings together vehicles belonging to the Trentino branch of the Thun family and the Bohemian branch that bought the castle in the 1920s, restored it and integrated its furnishings with artefacts and paintings.  

The exhibition of vehicles is accompanied by a series of highly evocative multimedia installations created by theBuss. “Of light and shadow. Photographic memories of the Thun family” is the title of the exhibition on show at Castel Thun until 19 September. Staged in collaboration with the Superintendency for the Cultural Heritage, the exhibition explores the rich collection of photographs belonging to some important branches of the Thun family. 

Shortly after the mid-19th century, as was common at the time, this important family found the photo album to be an extraordinary tool for narrating and preserving the memory of its existence. 



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