Beseno Castle | To arms, to arms!

Cultural exhibitions and events

Beseno Castle offers an appointment that will bring you back to the sixteenth century. Groups of historical reenactment, coming from all Europe, will recreate the court life of that century, with tents, soldiers, arms, banners and knights. Piazza Grande will host musicians, jugglers, duells and the kitchens will delight the public with typical nibbles.

Two days in which you will experience the majesty of a castle that, in those years, was a place of big clashes; the battle of Calliano in 1487, between troups of Tyrol and from Venice, is the most important.

Groups of historical reenactment: Circolo culturale La Cinquedea - Finale EmiliaAccademia Cangrande della Scala – VeronaFanti di S. Nicolò – Venice,Cavalieri del Carretto - Finale LigureCittà del Grifo – ArzignanoCavalieri del Drago - Castelfranco VenetoLandsknechts Bretten 1504 – GermanyKampfbaren Gruppo storico XVI sec. – TrecateLa Bombarde - Belgium, Exheres Bellinzago Novarese, Bande di Baldessare Scipione - Verona

and with: Schola Tamburi Storici - Conegliano Veneto, musicians and jugglersIl Villaggio degli antichi giochi with Compagnia S. Giorgio e il drago Bruno lo speziale

Daily life and historical market:  Historical artisans’ stalls (ceramists, wood and iron production), La via delle spezie e delle farine (didactic exhibit about spices and flours in the kitchen of the 16th century, curated by Fanti di S. Nicolò).


freephone 800 013952 (Monday-Friday from 14.00 to 18.00) |In the weekend of the event: Beseno Castle 0464 834600

(Translation by Anna Malavenda and Federica Acri, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - ”School and Work Project”)


On Saturday 4 August: € 7 (full price)- € 5 (reduced price)

On Sunday 5 August: free admission

  • Food service curated by Cooperativa sociale Forchetta e Rastrello in collaboration with Associazioni Giovanili di Besenello
  • Admission to the castle on foot or by public transports on Saturday from 9:30 to 23:00 and on Sunday from 9:30 to 18:30


organization: Comune di Besenello, Vigili del Fuoco Volontari di Besenello, il Copro Polizia Municipale Alta Vallagarina, C.E.R.S. Consorzio Europeo Rievocazioni Storiche, Associazione giovani di Besenello