Dalai Nuur

MusicaRivafestival is looking forward to presenting the Dalai Nuur Tour on December 22nd at 9 pm at the Palmeeting in Riva on Lake Garda

Dance , Opera and modern ballet

Charm and magic will be the protagonists of the show, which is performing for the first time in Italy with divine sounds, amazing light plays and over 500 beautiful national dresses. Everything is decorated with gold, brocade and gemstones. The audience will be accompanied on a unique journey through overwhelming and acrobatic choreographies, the thousand arms of the Bodhisattva, the fans and daggers that will reveal the myths and legends of the East.

Source: www.gardatrentino.it 



Tickets: €  25/20/15 

Information about presale tickets

Presale tickets can be bought at the:

Association Musica Riva - opening times: from Monday to Friday: 10.00-12.00; 15.00-17.00;


online: www.musicarivafestival.comhttp://mima.tm.bestunion.com/biglietteria/listaEventiPub.do?idOwner=376966

info 0464 554073 - 3487610480

organization: Musica Riva