Dice, walnuts and astragalus: pastimes in Tridentum

Meetings and conferences , Workshop
[ Ufficio beni archeologici]

Workshop for families, to play like the children of ancient Rome


€ 2,00; admission to the archaeological site included 

Booking required by phone: 0461 230171 (by 13.00 on the day of the event), max 20 children.

Curated by Servizi educativi dell’Ufficio beni archeologici (office for educational activities of the Archaeological Heritage Office) of the Department for Cultural Heritage, tel. 0461 492161

Opening times:

from 1 October to 31 May: 9-13 / 14-17.30

from 1 June to 30 September: 9.30-13 / 14-18

Closed on Monday (except when holiday), on 1 January, 1 November, 25 December

organization: Department for Cultural Heritage , Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage