Does culture still exist?

Meeting with Giorgio Zanchini, journalist, radio and television presenter

Meetings and conferences

In order to realise how differently we read, learn and inform ourselves today compared to the way it was in the past, we need only pay attention to how often our conversations are interrupted by a smartphone search. Quick, instantaneous searches, often superficial and immediately forgotten. Almost without our realising it, hyper-connectedness has altered many of our habits, changing the value and meaning of knowledge. But what consequences can this trend produce on transmission, production and the very concept of culture? Giorgio Zanchini, essayist, cultural journalist and presenter of highly appreciated radio and television programmes, offers us an insight into a theme that is as fundamental as it is little frequented: the tendency of our time to reduce culture to a mere accumulation of information, incapable by itself of guiding us towards an overall vision of the world in which we live.

In case of bad weather, the event will take place at the Auditorium of the secondary school in Borgo Valsugana, in Via Alessandro Spagolla 1