Family Festival 2021

Meetings and conferences , Conference

The "measures" of social, economic and demographic sustainability in the post-Covid19 time

Policies and indicators for the competitiveness of territories and quality of life

To cope with the health, social and economic shock produced by the Covid-19 pandemic, governments have adopted expansionary "measures" aimed at strengthening health systems, preserving the productive system, protecting jobs and safeguarding household income.

The extraordinary and exceptional "measures" contained in the plans for research and resilience envisage major investments and important reforms, with the aim of modernizing the public administration, strengthening the productive system and intensifying efforts to combat poverty and social exclusion by favoring the processes of social cohesion.

A week of events, conferences and seminars to give voice to the "measures" and "measurements" activated on a local, national and European scale.

Download the complete programme


FF_2021_Programma_def.pdf 6,93 MB

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