Human Habitat, landscapes of the Anthropocene

Meetings and conferences , Conference

Human Habitat - Paesaggi dell'Antropocene (Human Habitat, landscapes of the Anthropocene) is a photographic exhibition that will open at the beginning of June at the Gallerie di Piedicastello. It deals with topical issues such as the relationship between man and nature, the transformation of the territory and the landscape of the Anthropocene, through the work of German photographer Tom Hegen.

Human Habitat, however, is not just an exhibition: it is an experience conceived by Acropoli to be based on crowdfunding, involving the whole community of Trentino in the conviction that participation is the strength of the project!

Human Habitat has grown with the support of Fondazione Cassa Rurale di Trento and the collaboration of Fondazione Museo Storico, in addition to the contribution of Grazia Calvino, financial advisor, and Migliori Offerte Online


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