In the Land of the Pharaohs. The adventure of Italian Egyptology

by Eugenio Farioli Vecchioli


Country: Itay
Film director: Eugenio Farioli Vecchioli
Run time: 56’
Year: 2019
Production: Rai Cultura


The history of Italian Egyptology from the adventurous explorations of Giovanni Battista Belzoni to the Franco-Tuscan expedition of Ippolito Rossellini. From Ernesto Schiapparelli's archaeological research to the rescue of the Nubian temples of Abu Simbel in the 1960s. A journey through the main Italian Egyptian collections (Turin and Florence) and through the archives of Egyptology (Milan and Pisa) to tell the story of the fil rouge that ties Italy to the Land of the Pharaohs.