Love show

Drama , Drama
love show - Teatro della caduta [ Teatro di Villazzano]

Teatro della caduta

by Francesco Giorda and Roberto Tarasco
with Francesco Giorda
Francesco Giorda won the Fantasio Festival of theatre direction in 2006

An original journey through the theme of love from unusual points of view: the strange sexual habits of the Angler fish, the behavioral reactions according to ethologist Henri Laborit, up to a modern vision of Plato's love-beauty concept and to the Lupercus, ancient pagan tradition... In addition to all this, the show features "The Impossible Interviews" from the streets of the city, in which Francesco Giorda interviews passersby in search of love.



  • full price ticket  € 12
  • reduced price ticket € 10
  • card € 8

Tickets: online purchase

Season tickets

For the season tickets for the Fantasio events at the theatre in Villazzano follow this link

organization: TeatroE