Prehistory of the Lessini Mountains

Meetings and conferences

6 October - at 18.00
Archaeology and environment: the case of the Colombare di Negrar site and the Lessini Mountains between Neolithic and Bronze Age

With Chiara Reggio, University of Milan

13 October - at 18.00
The Lessini Mountains from Bronze Age to Iron Age 
With Mara Migliavacca, University of Verona

Archaeology Thursdays2022 | Prehistory of the Lessini Mountains 

Museo di Scienze e Archeologia, «F. Zeni» Conference Room | Borgo Santa Caterina, 41 - Rovereto.
The conferences are recognized as refresher course for teachers and as educational credit for students of secondary school. For details, write to

The lectures will be available online on the YouTube channel of the Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto in the following days.

Organized by Società Museo Civico di Rovereto, Fondazione Museo Civico di Rovereto and Fondazione Comel


Free admission