Red slippers and other

Meetings and conferences

via Santa Maria

"Red slippers" No more dreams, just love reality.
A path made of red slippers marks the road against violence.
Curated by Cristina Senter

Corniceria S. Maria (Frames shop)
Exhibition of artworks by the International Artists from Trentino:

Ivo Piazza (Ortisei), Imma Garcia
Arribas (Denno), Matteo Manfrini (Cisterna),
Florian Grott (Guardia), Serena Battisti (Besenello).

S. Osvaldo Garden
Women's Expressions - Showings; Volti Project
by Giorgio Nicolodi.
at 16.00 and at 17.30

S. Osvaldo Garden
Mora mandolinen Dance by the dance group
Shtojzavallet & Djemte.
at 16.30

Church of S. Osvaldo
Concert curated by Mozart Association
Boys&Girls by Marvi Zanoni.
at 18.00

Church of S. Osvaldo
Meeting with provincial and municipal institutions.
Book presentation “Mi manchi” ("I miss you") by Lume
Lumtury Luke. Readings.
With the Rotary Club.
at 19.30

Church of S. Osvaldo
Concert with Fiammetta Nena & Luca Dalla Gasperina and 
l’Associazione Artisti di Aleksander Kolshi's Artists Associaton.