Sounds of life in the city

Five environments and five interactive maps to get to know the non-human inhabitants of the cities and their surroundings in Northern Italy

Meetings and conferences , Workshop

Five "city" environments and over 50 bird species and other small animals, are drawn, sounded and told about: knowing them "by name and by song" is a way to give value to urban biodiversity.

The MUSE presents a new and original production online, "Suoni di vita in città"  Sounds of life in the city), dedicated to urban biodiversity: an interactive map to discover the most common birds and other small animals that populate the green spaces of our cities. A map that helps to identify the species most present in the built up areas at the bottom of the valley, and in the Alpine suburbs of Northern Italy.

The project also includes a downloadable Guida alla biodiversità urbana in Trentino Alto-Adige (Guide to urban biodiversity in Trentino Alto-Adige), curated by the MUSE, the WWF and the Natural Science Society of Trentino.

click here and enter the platform!


"Suoni di vita della città" is an original production by the MUSE for #iorestoacasa.

Illustrations: Osvaldo Negra
Texts: Alessandra Pallaveri
Design and production engineering: Giga

Photos: O. Negra, F. Fronza, P. Deimichei, R. Snowman, H. Baglar, N. Staykov, A. Upov, P. Sorensen, S. Wroza, S. Rhyskov, L. Viatour, S. Staszczuk, J. Canon, J. Conejero, M. Bedin, L. Jurek, D.J. Roberts, V. Frangipane, P. Nielsen, J. Jindra, J. Alan, J. Peltomakki, A. Karatash, J. Hempel, J. Madsen, S. Tilt.