Stories of wolves

Art and narration about the wolf 


“Storie di lupi” (Stories of wolves) is an exhibition of drawings linked to the European project LIFE WOLFALPS resulting from a contest for children: their drawings express the stories the children have imagined about the cohabitation on the Alps between man and the wild animal.

With the title “Stories of wolves. Art and narration about the wolf”, children aged 6 – 11 were asked to express graphically their idea about the wolf, through art and narration.

As a result, 56 drawings, collected from March to May 2017, tell us about the true and fanciful interaction between man and wolf and convey emotions, feelings, perceptions, curiosity, relationships, fears, joys for unexpected meetings of the primary school children in a time when the wolf is coming back to the Alps.

Five works were awarded in the category “individual children” and 5 works in the category “class groups”: they deserve praise for fluency and narrative coherence, artistic-expressive capacity and originality.

The exhibition hosts a selection of works, among them the 10 winners who were offered a two-day stay at the Lessinia Park (for the first classified in the two categories); the other winners gained a free admission ticket for the Muse (events and activities included).



The exhibition “Storie di lupi” (Stories of wolves) is part of the European Project LIFE WOLFALPS ( ), whose main goal is to achieve coordinated actions for the conservation and long term management of the wolf population in the Alps.

One of the specific aims of this project is also the definition of useful strategies in order to guarantee the cohabitation between the wolf and man’s traditional economic activities, by reducing the potential conflicts both in the areas already inhabited by the wolf, and in the areas where the natural process of re-colonisation is currently underway.

Consequently, the communication actions are essential to spread a correct knowledge of the species, to destroy false myths and beliefs and to reduce the mistrust towards the wolf in order to guarantee the conservation of this important animal on the Alps.

(Translation by Nicole Pasquali and Lisa Todeschi, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - "School and Work Project")

organization: Muse Museo delle scienze