Stories without history: traces of men in war (1914-1918)

exhibition , History exhibition
Mostra Storie senza storia. Parte-di-uniforme-austroungarica [ Ufficio stampa PAT]

For the centenary of the end of the First World War, materials found at high altitude during the recovery of Great War soldiers’ remains will be exhibited for the first time. The objects emerged in 2012 and 2017 at 3000 metres on the Presena glacier and on the western slopes of Corno di Cavento in the Adamello Group.
The exhibited materials relate to the clothing and military equipment of two Italian Army soldiers and the uniforms of two Austro-Hungarian Army artillerymen. One of the two Italians was identified as Roolfo Beretta, born in Besana in Brianza on May 13 1886, who died in an avalanche on November 8, 1916. This discovery was made by examining paper artefacts found at the scene, deteriorated but made legible through the conservation and restoration techniques of the Soprintendenza per i beni culturali.

The recovery of the fallen soldiers’ remains was carried out in agreement and in collaboration with the Commissariato Generale per le Onoranze ai Caduti and the Arma dei Carabinieri. For the Austrian soldiers, the recovery operation liaised with the Austrian Schwarzes Kreuz, sponsors of the exhibition.



Free admission


Provincia autonoma di Trento
Soprintendenza per i beni culturali
Ufficio beni archeologici
Via Mantova, 67 - Trento
tel. 0461 492161

organization: Department for Cultural Heritage