The Night Writer. Giornale notturno


The night writer is Jan Fabre, his Italian voice is Lino Musella. The one, Flemish artist among the great protagonists of the international theatre, is reflected in the other, young talent of the contemporary scene. Like a window in a summer night, The night writer is a crack through which you can access the intimacy of a man thanks to the words he wrote for another artist. A unique opportunity to retrace Fabre's life, discovering his reflections on art and love.

The Night Writer. Giornale notturno

script, scene design and direction Jan Fabre

dramaturgy Miet Martens, Sigrid Bousset

translation Franco Paris

with Lino Musella

music Stef Kamil Carlens

production Troubleyn/Jan Fabre and Aldo Grompone

and FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts / LuganoInscena / Teatro Metastasio di Prato /

TPE – Teatro Piemonte Europa / MARCHE TEATRO / Teatro Stabile del Veneto

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara