The sacred and the everyday. The late antique village in San Martino ai Campi

Il sacro e il quotidiano [ Soprintendenza per i beni culturali]

In a strategic position along what in ancient times were important roads of communication - which were attended since protohistory - the archaeological site of San Martino ai Campi is characterized by significant structures of Roman and medieval age.

In the period of transition between these two eras, in the fourth century AD, a village was built on the southern side of the mountain, probably for military purposes. About two hundred years later, a fire destroyed a large part of the village, which, however, continued to live, also thanks to Christian devotion.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary since finding this archaeological site in 1969, the finds and structures of this village have been reassembled. As a result, here's an exhibition featuring a recount of daily aspects which are often in relation to sacred ones: kitchen, house, daily activities, commerce, personal objects are presented along with finds pertaining to specific cults that took place in the sanctuary in the first centuries AD.

In short, the exhibition offers a glance at a particular moment in the life of Monte San Martino ai Campi, while waiting for in-depth studies to be carried out.

Exhibition curated by Achillina Granata of Archeogeo, and Cristina Dal Rì and Nicoletta Pisu of the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento.