View with a grain of sand


Nobel Prize for Literature, Wisława Anna Szymborska. A woman who spanned the entire 20th century and witnessed the most dramatic events and the most sensational upheavals that characterised the last century: from World War II to the collapse of communist regimes. Her poems speak of everyday life, death, war and love, in an original and astonishing way, with a touch of rare irony. 'View with a Grain of Sand' is the title of a collection of the poet's works (as well as a poem) spanning the author's entire life since 1957. The title seems almost an invitation to bring to life with her words images composed of grains of sand.
The performance is curated by Nadia Ischia (Sand Artist) and Laura Lotti (reader).
Organised by the municipal administration of Sant'Orsola in collaboration with the municipalities of Palù del Fersina, Fierozzo, Frassilongo, the Alta Valsugana Bersntol Community and the local tourist board of Valsugana Lagorai 


Free admission

Information 347 1463416 or