Zanoni. The Iron Age. The works by Luciano and Ivan Zanoni in relation to the history of Anaunia

An exhibition dedicated to Luciano and his son Ivan Zanoni - blacksmiths/sculptors from Caldes - and to the suggestions of the past, reinterpreted by the two artists’ genius.


The Cultural Centre of Anaunia opens its annual activity with an exhibition that investigates the fervor of two artists who have always and  humbly liked to call themselves "craftsmen of iron". Two authors, Luciano and his son Ivan, represent the fascinating process, as old as man, of the transmission of knowledge from father to son.

The exhibition route includes a section in one of the most important sites in the history of the Val di Non, i.e. the Museo Retico of Sanzeno (Rhaetic Museum - Centre for the archaeology and ancient history of the Val di Non).

Luciano, Ivan and archaeology meet each other; we’re reminded that archaeology is the discipline that contributes to reconstruct the identity of people through the study of human civilizations and cultures of the past and their relations with the surrounding environment, through the collection, documentation and analysis of material traces left over the centuries.

Curators: Marcello Nebl and Gianluca Fondriest

(Translation by Denis Cova, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - “School and Work Project”)

organization: ’Ufficio Beni Archeologici della Soprintendenza e Centro Culturale d’Anaunia