Archaeology of the Alps 2020

Publication of the annual report dedicated to archaeological research in Trentino

“AdA Archeologia delle Alpi 2020” (Archaeology of the Alps 2020) reports the most recent studies and investigations carried out by the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

The 182-page volume, edited by Franco Nicolis and Roberta Oberosler, aims to provide documentation and information on the protection, conservation and enhancement of the archaeological heritage in Trentino and at the same time to  share knowledge and scientific investigations with the public.

The first part of "Archaeology of the Alps 2020" presents contributions and in-depth studies by the archaeologists of the Department for Cultural Heritage, by collaborators and scholars from other disciplines, confirming how the interdisciplinary approach increasingly characterises research methodology also in the archaeological field.

The second part consists of a news bulletin reporting on the results of archaeological protection activities carried out in the area. Among other articles, space is also given to the archaeological investigations carried out in Riva del Garda in Via Brione and in the area of Sant'Alessandro and in Trento, at the Roman villa in Via Rosmini, where work is underway to return the site to public use. 

The European project “VirtualArch Visualize to Valorize " aims to develop transnational strategies in order to report about the archaeological heritage through innovative technologies, to protect and valorize it. In this way, it is possible to learn about and enjoy the archaeological heritage hidden in Central Europe. The Trentino partner intends within the project to spread the knowledge of the rich cultural heritage in relation to the mining activities on the Argentario plateau and to make it visible and accessible to the public.

Finally, in a year marked by the health emergency that forced the closure of museums and the interruption of activities organised by the Servizi Educativi (office for educational activities) of the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage - except for online events -, the bulletin reports on the communication, enhancement and educational initiatives implemented at a distance. 


Provincia autonoma di Trento
Soprintendenza per i beni culturali
Ufficio beni archeologici
Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 492161

Ufficio stampa Provincia autonoma di Trento
