Merry Christmas

Christmas is for mankind (Enzo Bianchi)

Felix De Florian e la magia del Presepio casa Jellici Tesero 2018 []

"The Nativity scene is the iconic or sculptural representation of that humble and poor event which is among the most human and everyday: a woman gives birth to a child. (...) 

Yes, a birth, a human being coming into the world, is in itself something surprising in its normality: the 'third one' emerges, the new appears and is welcomed with joy and a good heart. And it is an event of hope: those who witness it, particularly if they are now advanced in years, are inhabited and consoled by the thought that the world goes on, that life flourishes and multiplies, that a better future is possible, a tangible sign of our being placed in a chain of generations".

excerpted from the book "Il Pane di Ieri" ("Yesterday's bread") by Enzo Bianchi 

photo: Felix De Florian and the magic of the nativity scene. Casa Jellici 2018 Tesero
