"Unborn life | From Giovanni Segantini to Vanessa Beecroft"

Images of motherhood at the Galleria civica G. Segantini, Arco  

[ Archivio Mart]

Motherhood is a central theme in the work of Giovanni Segantini: it binds many other crucial components of his research, that is: earth, nature, fertility, woman.
In his painting, the mystery of motherhood - which has a sacred value for Segantini - is expressed in various forms, from the painting “Due madri” (Two mothers) to “Angelo della vita” (Life angel) until “Castigo delle lussuriose o Cattive madri” (The Punishment of lustful or bad mothers). Such pictures became iconographic leitmotifs and influenced the 20th century painting.
This exhibition, which is part of the collaboration between the MAG (Alto Garda Museum) and the Mart museum (collaboration begun in 2013), aims at suggesting some readings of the theme “motherhood”: along a time span starting from the mid-nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century, the exhibition aims at investigating the themes of nativity, maternal care and of childhood in some of the artists featured in the collections at Mart and MAG, from Natale Schiavoni, Umberto Moggioli, Tullio Garbari, Andrea Malfatti, Eugenio Prati, Medardo Rosso and Umberto Boccioni, to Vanessa Beecroft with Pregnant Madonna (2006).

Daniela Ferrari e Alessandra Tiddia - curatrici Mart
