Stone sentinels

Meetings on the future of commemoration in the forts of Trentino

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ Fototeca Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A.]

Eight different theatre performances scheduled from mid-July to late August in eleven of Trentino’s forts for a total of fourteen performances – all free. This is the STONE SENTINELS festival: Meetings on the Future of Commemoration in the Forts of Trentino, sponsored by the Cultural Service of the Provincia Autonoma di Trento and organised by the S. Chiara Cultural Services Centre. The calendar of events was developed in Trento under the communications platform Cultura Informa by the director of the Provincial Cultural Service Claudio Martinelli and by Lanfranco Cis, head of planning.

"Trentino,” said the Provincial Councillor for Culture Tiziano Mellarini, “has invested significantly over the years to restore the area’s First World War fortifications, particularly for the Centenary celebrations. Rather than being an isolated initiative, its objective is to restore this heritage to local communities so that they become the vehicle and evidence of a tragic period in our people's history. The La Rete network of forts in Trentino proves the completion of this goal. Not only: I believe that the La Rete network of forts and fortifications in Trentino has to become a real brand, capable of involving in particular the world of schools and young people. I thank you for the cooperation and I am grateful to our local communities for the conviction which they felt towards this project, managing to establish a first-rate programme of initiatives to promote this heritage. With this event, the cultural programme expands, rendering the cultural heritage present in Trentino its point of strength, while also positioning itself to become an element of our area’s tourist infrastructure. This objective also involves the important teamwork between the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, the Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra di Rovereto and the Centro Servizi Cultuali S. Chiara.”




Free entrance 



organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento Servizio Attività culturali, Centro servizi culturali Santa Chiara, Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino