Buonconsiglio Castle

From imperial fortress to the residence of the prince bishops

The Buonconsiglio Castle is one of the largest and most important monumental complex of the European Region Tyrol - South Tyrol - Trentino. It was founded as an imperial garrison in the first half of the thirteenth century and then it became the residence of the prince-bishops of Trento, who turned it into their magnificent residence over the centuries.

It is composed of a series of buildings of different eras, enclosed by walls and positioned slightly higher than the city.  

#buonconsiglioadomicilio is the new format of the Castello del Buonconsiglio: short videos of provincial monuments and collections to be discovered online.  

Here are the articles that the curators of the museum propose to discover the beauty of our castles:

- I giardini del Magno palazzo (The Gardens of the Magno Palazzo)
- Il segreto della dama con il garofano (The secret of the lady with the carnation)
- Un fastoso banchetto nella loggia veneziana (A rich feast in the Venetian loggia)
- La torre d'Augusto (Augustus' tower)
- La torre del Falco (Hawk Tower)
- Torre Aquila - capolavoro del gotico internazionale (Eagle Tower, international Gothic masterpiece)
  Torre Aquila - le sale mai viste (Eagle Tower, the rooms we've never seen)
- Gli antichi codici dei Principi Vescovi (The ancient codes of the Prince Bishops)
- Giovanni Battista Lampi dalla Val di Non alle corti europee (Giovanni Battista Lampi from the Val di Non to the European courts)
Il tesoro della principessa di Civezzano (The treasure of the Princess of Civezzano)


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