Ecomuseum of Lagorai

The ancient jurisdiction of Castellalto includes the territories of the municipalities of Carzano, Telve, Telve di Sopra and Torcegno, located on the southern side of the chain of Lagorai, between the course of the streams Ceggio and Maso, in the middle of Valsugana.

Ecomuseo del Lagorai, in the ancient "jurisdiction of Castellalto"

The ancient jurisdiction of Castellalto includes the territories of the municipalities of Carzano, Telve, Telve di Sopra and Torcegno, located on the southern side of the chain of Lagorai, between the course of the streams Ceggio and Maso, in the middle of Valsugana.

Four themes are proposed: "The environment", with the peaks of the Lagorai, the river park of Carzano and the protected natural areas including the WWF oasis of Valtrigona; then "The places of work", namely the huts - in Val Calamento, Sette Selle and Casapinello -, chestnut groves, fields, washhouses; then "Traditions and history", with the Ethnographic Museum of the Tarcisio Trentin Collection of Telve di Sopra and the Folklife Museum of Telve, the legends and medieval castles, the testimonies of the Great War; finally "The signs of the sacred", with churches, shrines, chapels and the Via Crucis on Mount Ciolino.

(Translation by Alexia Vozzo, Sophie M. Scholl Language High School, Trento - “School and Work Project”)

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