Pharmacy lab Foletto's Museum - Pieve di Ledro

This exhibit is a testimony to the evolution of pharmaceutical technology

[ Foto Archivio Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina]

On display in this museum you can find some equipment and implements which tell the story of the Foletto laboratory, dating from the early 20th century.
This lab, set up and managed behind the pharmacy business was a veritable pharmaceutical plant in those pioneering years, albeit on a small scale. The output of the facility was varied and plentiful, ranging from injectable phials to fruit syrups by way of many registered medicinal specialities.
But two world wars and changing times saw much of the lab equipment fall into disuse, giving way to the industrial products of the present day.
The Foletto pharmacists continue to produce their syrups and liquors with the same care and professionalism they have shown for over a century.
We invite you to visit this little museum, which enshrines affection and nostalgia for genuinely handmade things, for a ‘taste' of times past and present.
In full view of the entrance to the museum can be seen a mortar dating back to the 18th century, made up of a number types of stone used for different purposes, while the glass display cases hold phials, coils, sterilisers and balances, including one used to weigh poisonous substances which is equipped with anti-corrosion plates made of bone for this specific purpose.
The hall of the museum also houses a range of curious technical devices: one for cutting and rolling gauze, one for producing pills and another for filling tubes with tooth paste or other substances.
The Pharmacy Lab Foletto's Museum belongs to the Museum Network of Valle di Ledro, ReLed.


opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

From 15 May to 15 September
10.00-12.30 and 16.30-21.30
From 15 May to 10 June
From Thursday to Sunday
Other periods only with reservation

organized by Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina