Armida Quartet

Concert on music by L. van Beethoven, S. Prokofiev, F. Schubert

Music , Classical music - suitable for adults , university students , scholars

Quartetto Armida

Martin Funda - violin

Johanna Staemmler - violin

Teresa Schwamm - viola

Peter Philipp Staemmler - cello



L. van Beethoven: Quartet in C minor op.18 no. 4

S. Prokofiev: Quartet no. 2 in F major op. 92

F. Schubert: Quartet no. 15 in G major D. 887


Information about the Quartetto Armida and its members can be found in the document attached here:

  Quartetto Armida.pdf 24,87 kB


Costs Information about presale tickets

Acquista biglietti on-line   oppure in ufficio alla Filarmonica lu-ma-me-ve ore 9.00-12.00

Tickets can be bought also on the day of the event at the Filarmonica box office from 20.00.

organization: Società Filarmonica di Trento