Calidore String Quartet

Music , Classical music concert

Calidore String Quartet

Jeffrey Meyers violin

Ryan Meehan violin

Jeremy Berry viola

Estelle Choi cello


L.v. Beethoven Quartet op. 18 no. 6 in B-flat major

W. Marsalis Quartet no. 1 “At the Octoroon Balls”

B. Smetana Quartet no. 1 in E minor


Green Pass required.

full price ticket € 20

reduced price ticket for students (under 25 years old) € 10 

reduced price ticket (over 65 years old) € 17

Tickets can be purchased online or by bank transfer (by prior arrangement by phone or email). The Company reserves the right to make any changes that may be necessary for technical or organisational reasons.


Season tickets

Students - 9 concerts - Spring or Autumn (available from 20.12.21) € 50

Autumn - 9 concerts - Full price (available from 20.12.21) € 140

Autumn - 9 concerts - Reduced price (over 65 years old) (available from 20.12.21) € 110

Carnet: 4 concerts of your choice (to be bought online or at the office - at the time of purchase)

Full price Carnet € 70

Reduced price Carnet (over 65 years old) € 55

Information about presale tickets

Further info: tel.0461985244 -

organization: Società Filarmonica di Trento