Don Giovanni

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 

Music , Opera

40 in Italy, 231 in Germany, 100 in France, 91 in Turkey and even 1003 in Spain are the women that Don Giovanni won, if we trust his list, which is devoid of conscience and remorse.

In fact, Don Giovanni deceives, seduces, sometimes kills, and escapes. In this timeless masterpiece by Mozart/Da Ponte, you will witness the playful drama of the last libertine of our world.

Diabolical we might say, but moral condemnation fails to reduce his charm. Is  he an angel or a demon? An anarchist or a murderer?

Don Giovanni condemns himself for eternity! For "This is the end of those who do evil."

In collaboration with the Teatro di Pisa and the unprecedented direction of Christina Pezzoli.

Francesco Pasqualetti, orchestra leader

Daniele Antonangeli Basso,Sonia Ciani Soprano, Laura Verrecchia Mezzosoprano,Diego Godoy Tenore,Paolo Pecchioli Basso,Francesco Paolo Vultaggio Baritono,Nicola Ziccardi Baritono,Federica Livi Soprano,

Ars Lyrica Coro; Marco Bargagna, choir director

Corps de ballet: Nuovo Balletto di Toscana

Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento


full price ticket €  32

reduced price ticket over 65 years old: € 30

under 35 years old: € 20

Under 26 years old and University students € 8 (with student's card)

Information about presale tickets