Einstein's twitter

Undulation of a billion years ago
Augmented Lecture


By and with Stefano Oss - Department of Physics, University of Trento
and with Enrico Merlin (Musician)
Supervision: Art director Andrea Brunello


  • full price ticket € 8
  • reduced price ticket Under 18 and with Student’s card : 5 €

Informazioni sulla prevendita

Presale tickets:

Info and bookings:

Via Papiria, 8 - 38122 Trento
(from Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 19.00)
on weekdays: Tel./Fax 0461 924470
on non-working days : mobile phone: 339 1313989
info@teatroportland.it - www.teatroportland.it      - www.teatrodellameraviglia.it  

Advance booking is strongly recommended:

Bookings via e-mail, sms and WhatsApp are valid if confirmed by the organisation, and they are accepted up till one hour before the show

organization: Portland Theatre