I teatri soffiati - The kidnapped princess

Theatre show for children


The Cultural Company “I Teatri Soffiati” started its activity as cultural association in 1998 from the experience of the Confraternita Teatrata Soffioni (1994).

The activity and history of the group is concentrated in the production of live shows, theater training workshops, organization of events and festivals.

The philosophy of the theatrical research focuses on experimentation through the languages of contemporary theater, children's theater, narration, performances and installations.

"The kidnapped princess" is born from the interweaving of elements of traditional fairy tales, of knightly tales and reckless incursions into the contemporary.

The result is an amusing game of cross-references and disorientations, orchestrated by the two actors with continuous changes of character and situation, in the name of comic and nonsense, but always including poetry and especially emotions.

The story is entrusted mainly, but not only, to bodies, words and music.


Free admission, booking required on: http://www.smartbooking.it/action/app/activities/view

Free admission

To take part in the free shows you will have to book a seat on the website www.buonconsiglio.it        (booking is possible from Wednesday 7 October) or call the number 0461 492811, from Monday to Friday 9.00 – 13.00 and 14.00 -16.00: booking is required to access the shows

Paid events

To access the paid events, it is necessary to buy presale tickets in advance on www.primiallaprima.it