Museo Diocesano Tridentino for #IORESTOACASA

#cosedafareacasa (#thingstodoathome)

Materials to download, food for thought, videos.

Meetings and conferences , Workshop

In this period of forced closure, the Museum continues to live and get in touch with its public through the Internet, to share contents, ideas and reflections.

Below you will find, divided into categories, some free downloadable materials in pdf. The virtual library will be enriched day by day to offer everyone new readings.


L'INVENZIONE DEL COLPEVOLE. IL 'CASO' DI SIMONINO DA TRENTO, DALLA PROPAGANDA ALLA STORIA (Inventing the culprit. The ‘case’ of Simonino da Trento, from propaganda to history)

Simonino was a presumed victim of Jewish ritual murder, a child venerated for centuries as an innocent 'martyr'. The story, dating back to the 15th century, could today be defined as a resounding fake news of the past, in which anti-Jewish sentiments, devotional needs and ecclesiastical political ambitions are intertwined. The exhibition aims to draw the public's attention to one of the darkest pages of anti-Semitism, to stimulate reflection on the mechanisms of 'building the enemy' and the power of propaganda.

Episode 1 - From disappearence to accusation
Episode 2 - Trial and executions
Episode 3 - Inventing the culprit
Episode 4 - From propaganda... to history

AFFIDARSI AL CIELO. ARTE E DEVOZIONE A MONTAGNAGA DI PINE' (Relying on Heaven. Art and devotion in Montagnaga di Pinè). This exhibition initiative dates back to 2015 and is meant to highlight the religious and cultural heritage of the main Marian shrine of Trento's Diocese.

Download the exhibition catalogue   

LA CITTA' E L'ARCHEOLOGIA DEL SACRO. IL RECUPERO DELL'AREA DI SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE (The city and the archaeology of the sacred. The recovery of the area of Santa Maria Maggiore) The exhibition represents a fundamental stage of a complex excavation and research work carried out between 2007 and 2011 in the underground of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Trento.

Download the exhibition catalogue

ULTIME CENE DIPINTE. ITINERARI NELLE CHIESE DEL TRENTINO (Portrait of the Last Supper. Itineraries in the churches of Trentino) In Trentino there is a considerable heritage of sacred art paintings made from the 15th to the 20th century - about 180 -, often little known, but very interesting for iconographic variations and heterogeneity of cultural fields. 

Download the leaflet