Prestami le ali (Lend me your wings)

Meeting with Igiaba Scego

Meetings and conferences

Real stories, fantastic stories of feelings and courage.

The Italian writer of Somali origins tells us about an adventure in diversity, seeking freedom.
Moderator: Fausta Slanzi, journalist
With Massimo De Nardo, writer and founder of Toledo's independent publishing house Rrose Selavy, a symbol of rebirth of the Marche after the earthquake.
Prestami le ali (Lend me your wings) is Igiaba Scego's last book; it's her first book for children, and with it the author takes us to the heart of timeless themes, such as the aim for freedom, the dignity of humans and the confrontation with diversity.


Free admission

In case of bad weather the location could be varied.

organization: Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi (Alcide De Gasperi Trentino' s Foundation)