Rita and Paola Levi Montalcini. History of a donation and restoration

Mart Talks led by the Mart curators

Meetings and conferences , Conference

A case of contemporary restoration that sets an example.

A nucleus of works by Paola Levi Montalcini, donated to the museum by her twin sister Rita, has posed conservators with the problem of the perishability of the materials used by the artist.

The Mart has launched an experimental project with the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro (national institute for conservation and restoration).

Talks by Grazia di Cesare, ISCR, Clarenza Catullo, Mart Registrar, Piera Levi Montalcini, Levi Montalcini Foundation, Angela Rorro, ISCR, Fabiana Di Lorenzo, restorer


The event will take place on Teams.  Registration for the event  by 12.00 on 15 April (max 200 participants).

Short before the event, you'll receive the invitation link to the online conference
Info: eventi@mart.tn.it