Soul, be like the mountain


Falling in love with the mountains, astonishment and understanding of the alpine nature, sharing the enchantment with another soul, the beauty of walking the trails, the sense of infinity in the solitary step...
The focus of these suggestions is the female soul.
The reading of words in poetry and prose from Paolo Cognetti's two books, "L'Antonia. Poesie, lettere e fotografie di Antonia Pozzi" ("Antonia. Poems, letters and photographs by Antonia Pozzi"), Ponte alle Grazie Editor, and "Le otto montagne" ("The Eight Mountains"), Einaudi Editor - with which she won the Strega Prize - is interwoven with the music of a piano and the voice of a female singer. All live.

with Chiara Turrini and Beatrice Scartezzini: reciting voices
Lorenza Anderle: piano and arrangements
Francesca Martinelli: singer