Tempi Nuovi (New Times)

Great Prose

Drama , Drama


script and direction: Cristina Comencini

with Ennio Fantastichini and Iaia Forte, Marina Occhionero and Nicola Ravaioli - Compagnia ENFI Teatro

Production by Michele Gentile, Teatro Stabile del Veneto – Teatro Nazionale

“Tempi Nuovi” ("New Times") is a fun comedy about the relationship between parents, children and technology. The massive use of electronics has inevitably changed habits, investing people with rapid and surprising changes that have conditioned mutual relations.

It's an "earthquake" that also upsets the lives of the four protagonists on stage: a father, a mother and their two children will be confronted with contradictions, with the difficulties of a time when everything seems too fast to be understood, but in which you are forced to dive.

Giuseppe is a historian who lives surrounded by his books, while Antonio, his son, is the expression of a world made up of rapid connections and no ties to the past. The eldest daughter Clementina lives away from home, while Sabina, his wife, is a journalist who tries in every way to keep up with the times, driven by the desire not to lose her job.

Information about presale tickets

Info: tickets - online purchase    (from 4 November until 17.00 on the day of the event)

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara