Tex Willer

Seventy years astride the Italian history

exhibition , Photographic exhibition
[ Disegno originale di Giovanni Ticci, il più longevo disegnatore di Tex]

The Associazione Museo storico in Trento (Historical Museum Association), with the support of the Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino (Trentino history museum foundation), organises an event on Tex Willer, the longest-lived character in the Italian comics, created by Giovanni Luigi Bonelli's imagination and Aurelio Galleppini's graphic mastery.

The event consists in an exhibition and a public meeting, in which the editorial story of Tex will be explained and recounted. It’s really an extraordinary adventure that has accompanied a long period of the recent Italian history; it has gained an unthinkable transgenerational success and still promises a future full of new stories.

At the end of the study day, a small, yet complete exhibition on the world of the Ranger will be opened, which can be visited until 5 May.

further info

organization: Fondazione museo storico del Trentino (Trentino history museum foundation)