The Giudicariesi Courts

[ Archivio fotografico Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e collezioni provinciali - tutti i diritti riservati - A. Ceolan 2011]

Performance with protagonists twelve actors of local companies of amateur actors (Filobastia di Preore, Filo San
Genesio di Calavino, Filo di Grumes, filò della Val Rendena, Gruppo T.N.T e GAD Citta di Trento) who, directed by Jacopo Roccabruna, have played the text of the 19th century "Tribunali Giudicariesi" by Giovanni Battista Sicheri. The commedy was published in 1860 and tells about an historical fact truly happened at the author's family who, through the theatrical text, wants to accuse and report the men who took advantage of their power to the detriment of the poors. The theactrical text is played in the original language of the 19th century.

(Translation by Nicole Pasquali and Lisa Todeschi, Language High School Trento - Sophie M. Scholl, "School and Work" Project)


Free admission

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