The Venetian Twins


The Venetian Twins

by Carlo Goldoni
adaptation Angela Demattè and Valter Malosti

Marco Foschi 
Danilo Nigrelli
Marco Manchisi
Irene Petris
Alessandro Bressanello
Anna Gamba
Valerio Mazzucato 
Camilla Nigro
Vittorio Camarota
Andrea Bellacicco

direction Valter Malosti
set and light design Nicola Bovey
costume design Gianluca Sbicca
assistant director Jacopo Squizzato 

Production by Teatro Stabile del Veneto, TPE - Teatro Piemonte Europa, Teatro Metastasio di Prato, Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione Teatro Nazionale


The season ticket campaign will start on 16 October, while tickets will be available from Saturday 23 October 2021 at the Auditorium Theatre box office (Mon-Sat, 10-13, 15-19) and at the Casse Rurali.

Tickets and season tickets can also be bought online on from the day after the sale at the theatre box office.

Full price ticket from € 15
Reduced price tickets: Under 26 from € 10;
University students from € 9