Epiphany singers

Have you ever seen the writing in chalk "20 + K - M - B+...?" above your house main door? 

Find out what it means!

If you find this chalk writing on the main door of your house, it means that the "Cantori della Stella" (Star singers, also known as Epiphany singers) have done it!

They must have written: 20 +C+M+B+ 21! 

The initials refer to the Latin phrase "Christus mansionem benedicat" (= May Christ bless this house); the numbers refer to the new year which has just begun. Folkloristically the letters are often interpreted as the names of the Three Wise Men (Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar).

The Epiphany singers walk from house to house with a star on a rod often wearing crowns and dressed in clothes to resemble the Three Magi during the period between 27 December and 6 January (the feast of the Epiphany).  In Scandinavia and Central Europe a special set of songs, distinct from Christmas carols has developed in this context.

In a small village in Trentino, Faedo, the "Cantori" usually parade on 5 January, but not this year, because of the pandemic. 

" title="
" >Listen to the Epiphany singers
