Living Memory - The power of commitment

2nd Festival of the Holocaust Remembrance

Meetings and conferences , Conference

Living Memory - The power of commitment

A festival dedicated to the themes of memory and active citizenship, by preventing the Holocaust Remembrance Day from falling into repetitive formalism. Let it bring back memory and history as "teachers of life" for today's citizens.

Organised by the Terra del Fuoco Trentino association, supported by the Autonomous Province of Trento with the support of the Cultural Activities and Production Service and in collaboration with the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, Living Memory will be staged again in Trento from 17 to 27 January 2022, with the possibility of following the events in person at the Teatro Sociale and in other institutional venues - previous booking - and also via streaming.

This year's edition is dedicated to that indissoluble link between The knowledge of the past and being a citizen today.

Here's the complete programme:


Free admission. Boooking required

Online events:  ;

Streaming of all events on the website of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Sala Depero (opening on 17/1) 

Sala delle Marangonerie of the Buonconsiglio Castle (panel discussion on 27/1 at 10.00) and meeting the five Holocaust Survivors

19/1 at 10.00 with Bodgan Bartnikowski; at 20.30 with Regina Sluszny;

21/1 at 20.30 with Oleg Mandiç;

24/1 at 20.30 with Liliana Manfredi

26/1 at 10.00 with Halina Birenbaum