
Moderno auditorium con capienza fino a 1200 persone, location perfetta per convegni, concerti ed eventi


Un moderno auditorium con capienza fino a 1200 persone e ampio parcheggio, location perfetta per convegni, concerti ed eventi. Una cornice moderna ed elegante con aree polifunzionali di diversa dimensione, in grado di ospitare incontri di varia portata.

suitable for: adults - families | disabled access

opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Apertura secondo gli eventi

Notes on the accessibility to the site

There are an ample parking and an underground garage fitted with the indicated lift. The main entrance remains open during the events.The auditorium has a tiered seating layout and provides wheelchair spaces in the front and in the back rows. The stage is retractable. The wheelchair accessible toilets are equipped with grab bars on both sides of the wc.

Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea