More than 62 thousand visitors to the exhibition "Fili d'oro, dipinti di seta"

Success at the Castello del Buonconsiglio. Admission to the castle at a reduced price until 15 November

[ Castello del Buonconsiglio - Archivio fotografico Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e collezioni provinciali - tutti i diritti riservati - A. Ceolan 2011]

The exhibition of the year "Fili d'oro, dipinti di seta" ("Golden threads and silk paintings. Velvet and embroidery between Gothic and Renaissance"), hosted until 3 November in the rooms of the Magno Palazzo of the Castello del Buonconsiglio, was a real success, with 62 thousand visitors, and with almost 5 thousand admissions only in the last two days.

Among the valuable paintings on wood and the masterpieces in velvet with rich embroidery in silk, gold and silver, the precious parade of Pope Nicholas V of the Bargello Museum in Florence was the most photographed work. It was commissioned in 1450 by the city of Siena, and donated to the Pope on the occasion of the canonization of San Bernardino. Also the cope cap of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan was taken in very many photos; it was specially restored for the occasion and decorated with an embroidery assigned to the great Italian painter Botticelli.

While the exhibition is being dismantled, some rooms of the Magno Palazzo will be closed to the public. For this reason, admission to the castle is at a reduced price until 15 November.
