Strolling around museums at Easter time

The museums in Trentino joining the initiative #domenicalmuseo offer free admission on Easter Day

[ foto O. Michelon]

On Easter Day and Easter Monday, pay a visit to these three  Don't-Miss museums, open on Saturday 31 March, Sunday 1 April and Monday 2 April; joining the initiative #domenicalmuseo (i.e. Sunday at the museum) they all offer free admission on Easter Day:

the S.A.S.S. Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas (Tridentum. S.A.S.S. - Underground Archaeological Site SASS) is open all days, also on Easter Monday (9-13/14-17.30) and it's possible to visit the exhibition Ostriche e vino. In cucina con gli antichi romani (Oysters and wine: in the kitchen with the Ancient Romans), which gives us a glimpse on food culture in ancient times along the river Adige, with finds from the archaeological investigations in Trentino;

the Museo Retico (the Rhaetian Museum), open from 14.00 to 18.00

The Museo Retico is located in Casalini di Sanzeno, an extremely important area for archaeology. The excavations carried out here are known all over the world, because they have allowed to retrace thousands of years of history from the Paleolithic hunter-gatherers to the first Neolithic farmers, the Copper age blacksmiths and the worship sites of the Bronze age.

But the real protagonist here are the Rhaetian people, who lived in Trentino and Tyrol before the Romans. Their ethnic origin is uncertain: Pliny says they were descendants of the Etruscans, but there are also clear signs of a relationship with the Celts. At the Museum  you can see their beautiful artistic artifacts, objects of worship, work tools, simple testimonies of daily life;

the Museo delle Palafitte di Fiavé (Museum of Pile dwellings of Fiavé) , open from 14.00 to 18.00

With its pile dwelling museum and internationally renowned archaeological area, included within the UNESCO world heritage sitedescribed as “Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps”, Fiavé represents an exceptionally important point of reference for the history of the most ancient European farming communities.

The museum explores the history of the different pile dwelling settlements following one another along the banks of Lake Carera, a lake of glacial origin, between the Late Neolithic era and the Bronze Age.


Provincia autonoma di Trento

Soprintendenza per i beni culturali

Ufficio beni archeologici

Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento

tel. 0461 492161

