
Angeli mill. House of the scarecrow - Roncegno (Marter)

In the space where once the miller’s family lived is now Flavio Faganello’s collection of scarecrows.

Bertagnolli Mill or Giò a l'aca - Fondo

Nowadays, alongside the deep canyon of the stream Sass, only the Bertagnolli Mill is surviving: there were milled wheat, buckwheat, rye and corn till 1950. 

Hydraulic sawmill and Daprai mill - Bresimo

The mill, recently renovated, has two millstones and a machine for polishing barley

Mill "La mil" - Roveda - Bersntoler Museum/Valle dei Mocheni museum

Small mill with three wheels driving two grinders and a "pestino" for barley

Mill "Molin de Pèzol" - Pera di Fassa

All the tools and accessories for the initial processing of flour and for the maintenance of the system are carefully exhibited with notes on information panels.

Rella mill - Folgaria (Mezzomonte)

In this mill, which is located near another hydraulic mill which retains a pan mill for the pearling of barley, there are two mills, a polisher and a crusher, machines which were driven by two water wheels

Il mulino ha macinato grani fino agli anni ottanta del secolo scorso. Ha conservato integri gli apparati molitori: una macina e una molazza

Zeni mill - Brentonico

The Zeni mill is one of the few still in full working order. Going back to 1806, it was used for some time mainly for grinding feed for local poultry.