Fiavè Pile dwelling Museum

Journey into the everyday life of the village on Lake Carera 3,500 years ago

Museo delle Palafitte di Fiavé, foto O.Michelon [ Archivio Ufficio beni archeologici PAT]

Here are the contents of the daily appointments started on the social channels of the Department for Cultural Heritage of Trento following the closure of archaeological sites and museums, due to the health emergency for the Covid-19 disease.

It's a journey that, a little at a time, continues through your and our museums. It's a way to keep in touch even if far away and not to interrupt the fascinating thousand-year-old story of our roots, waiting to see us again and come back to share with you the beauty of our cultural heritage.

  Fiavè Pile dwelling Museum
  Fiavè Pile dwellings, UNESCO’s World heritage 
  Once upon a time thee was a lake
  Pile dwellings: what are they?
  The (solved) enigma of the pile dwellings
  Submerged monuments: a grid of piles
  300 wooden treasures: a collection which is unique in Europe



Stay connected also on:

Facebook: Soprintendenza per i beni culturali Trento   

Twitter: @Beniarcheo   

Instagram: @soprintendenza_beni_culturali  



Provincia Autonoma di Trento - Soprintendenza per i beni culturali – Ufficio beni archeologici

Via Mantova, 67 - 38122 Trento
Tel.: 0461 492161
