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The Foundation preserves historical documents of various kinds regarding the village of Luserna in the past

Safeguard, promotion and enhancement of the ethnographic and cultural heritage of the German-speaking minority of Luserna/Lusérn

Ente per la salvaguardia della lingua e cultura della comunità mòchena.

Discovered in the mid-19th century as a result of peat extraction work, they are part of the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It is one of the cultural organizations operating in support of the Ladin community, a linguistic minority located in the heart of the Dolomites 

Following renovation work on Palazzo Lodron, in the square of the same name, it was possible to bring to light part of a quarter of ancient Tridentum.

Un grande patrimonio di cultura e di memoria. Ricco di oltre un milione di scatti, l’Archivio Fotografico Storico (AFS) della Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, nato come fototeca di catalogazione, si è arricchito negli anni con l'acquisizione di importanti collezioni che attraversano l'intera storia della fotografia trentina.

È la struttura più antica e più prestigiosa della città di Trento, in gestione al Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara a partire dalla sua riapertura al pubblico, avvenuta nel 2000

A unique historical and artistic heritage as an expression of the city's identity

Spazio concepito come un grande anfiteatro, che si adatta a vari tipi di avvenimenti culturali.

The distinguishing mark of Castel Valér is its beautiful octagonal tower, which is the highest one in Trentino (40 metres)

The museum holds memories of the war fought in the mountains of Lagorai, the tragedy of evacuated civilian population and of the men serving in the Austro-Hungarian Army.

A stroll through the flowers and the scents of nature.

The METS - Museo etnografico Trentino San Michele | Trentino Ethnographic Museum of San Michele, founded by Giuseppe Šebesta in 1968, is one of the most distinguished Italian museums of popular traditions.

Research and scientific dissemination are the guidelines of the seven sections that enliven the panorama of the institution

The birthplace of De Gasperi, a treasure trove of history which also looks towards the future

The museum contains a permanent exhibition of photographs which tells the story of Maria Dolens from 1925 to the present day.

Working tools, some crystal objects and historical documents relating to the work of the Bohemian glassmakers can be seen in this ancient glass-blowing factory, now a museum.

Le più antiche testimonianze archeologiche rinvenute sulla collina sono alcuni frammenti ceramici risalenti al periodo Tardoneolitico - Eneolitico (fine IV - inizi III millennio a.C.).

Exhibits a rich collection of wartime equipment, uniforms and artefacts from the glaciers of Adamello. It also houses significant reconstructions of the Austrian and Italian high mountain buildings.

The remains of the old castle were discovered thanks to the surveys conducted by the Soprintendenza per i Beni archeologici of the Provincia autonoma di Trento 

Sotto la Torre Civica in piazza Duomo si trovano i resti della Porta Veronensis, monumentale ingresso a Tridentum, costruita nel I sec.a.C.

Italian industrial pioneer Gianni Caproni (1886-1957) devoted his life and career to the newly-born aeronautic industry. At the turn of XX century, Caproni created an internationally renowned aircraft plant, which was particularly active and successful during the 20s and 30s. In 1927, he founded the first Italian company museum dedicated to the national aviation history and tradition.

The Italian war history Museum, in the Rovereto castle, was founded in 1921 in remembrance of the First World War. It is one of the main Italian museums dedicated to the Great War.

A remarkable collection of war relics in perfect condition, originating mostly from the Marmolada front, following the withdrawal of the glacier.

This important metalworking site derives its name from the water source nearby, flowing from the slopes of the Lagorai mountains

The museum houses the collection of Emilio Serra’s relics, tireless retriever of First World War artefacts.

The archaeological site is situated in a panoramic position overlooking the upper Lake Garda area. 

"With the new year, chance will begin to treat well you and me, and all the others,

and a happy life will begin. Won't it?"